


La description


Bonjour! Moi c'est Virginie. I help expatriates who live in France to improve their level of French and to integrate successfully in France so that they feel confident and at ease in their new host country. Because I am still an expatriate myself in Spain, I understand you SO much, I have lived and continue to live through all the problems that can arise when living abroad. Believe me, with all the experiences / misunderstandings / administrative and linguistic horrors that I have lived through, you will feel less lonely. 😅 Appart from that, in life, I love... (among many other things) yoga, French and English comedies, food, - good - red wine and annual trips to West-Africa.I've been teaching French as a Foreign Language since 2006 (already!!) and since 2016 entirely online by videoconference.I give tips on Instagram @avlingua to learn French and I regularly open Free Zoom sessions to work on a French problematic many of you have in France. If you want to know when new Free Zoom are organized, just drop your email below and I will let you know!